Rewardful Review: Integrations, Features and Pricing

Affiliate Marketing

Rewardful is a Canadian affiliate marketing platform that specializes in affiliate program management for SaaS companies. The company has a wide clientele niche, including data and AI, security, and customer service. If you’re a SaaS brand, you might consider Rewardful as a worthy affiliate software choice. 

Rewardful Affiliate Tracking Tool

How does Rewardful’s commissions work? Does the platform meet your budget? What kind of customer events does Rewardful track, and how can you see that data? 

We’ll answer all these questions and more in our review of the Rewardful affiliate platform, as we explore the platform’s functionality, pricing, reviews, and compare those features with Tapfiliate. 

Rewardful Affiliate Tracking and Features

Rewardful offers basic affiliate tracking capabilities alongside customizable cookie windows and commissions, self-referral fraud detection (aka fraudulent click alerts), and live customer support. Let’s walk through each of their features. 

Rewardful Features

Live Customer Support (Only on Weekdays)

You can access Rewardful’s live customer support chat on their website. However, you’ll note that the chat isn’t live on weekends, so it’s technically not a 24/7 chat. 

Email Support

In the footer of Rewardful’s website, you’ll see a link to “contact.” When you click it, it automatically opens your email app for you to describe your issue. The first two subscription tiers offer both email and live support, but you’ll have to sign up for Rewardful’s enterprise plan for phone support. 

Effective Tracking and Analytics

Rewardful lets you track affiliate links for clicks and commissions across individual affiliates or adjustable affiliate groups. You can view this data on your home page dashboard, but affiliates also get their own customized dashboard to help them assess and improve their performance. Report layouts are accessible and list each affiliate along with their commission structure, payout, and revenue history. 

Automated Refund Handling

If a customer returns a product that was purchased with an affiliate lead, you won’t have to pay a commission to that affiliate. Rewardful’s automated refund handling automatically adjusts refunds to ensure you’re only paying for complete conversions, not reversed ones. 

Self Referral Fraud Detection

Rewardful catches fraudulent clicks and conversions with its self-referral fraud detection feature. If an affiliate generates a lead or conversion, Rewardful’s software can tell where the IP addresses are. If the affiliate and customer have the same IP, it’s indicative of fraud and Rewardful ensures you don’t pay commission on those either. 

What are the Customization Options With Rewardful?

Rewardful offers a few customization options across the following affiliate areas: 

  • Commission rules: Advertisers can offer different commission rates and structures for affiliates, either a percentage-based commission or a fixed fee. 
  • Automated commission start and end date: Brands can schedule a fixed date for commissions to end if they only sign on an affiliate for a set period, like three months as a probationary period, for example. 
  • Affiliate portal: Affiliates, whether influencers, coupon sites, or converted customers, can access a personalized affiliate portal with Rewardful. You can personalize colors and elements to make the dashboards and overall vibe more brand-aligned. 
  • Cookie length: Also known as the cookie window, cookie length is how long your affiliate’s lead has to convert and generate a commission for them. Rewardful allows you to decide a number of your choice. 

Rewardful Integrations

Rewardful offers 25 no-code, direct integrations to software tools across niches like email marketing, online course delivery, paid marketing, and more. Some examples include WooCommerce, Stripe, Memberspace, and Subbly. You can also request custom integrations via the platform’s API on the customer support chat. 

Rewardful Pricing Options

Rewardful has a three-tier subscription pricing model, each with $0 transaction fees, unlimited affiliates, chat and email support, unlimited web visitors, last touch attribution, fraud prevention, and Rest API access. Tiers increase in price depending on the amount of revenue you’re making from your affiliates. 

  • Starter: $49/month — Eligible for brands making up to $7,500 monthly revenue from affiliates; up to 2 team members
  • Growth: $99/month — Eligible for brands making up to $15,000 monthly revenue from affiliates, unlimited campaigns, branded affiliate portal, double-sided incentives, custom rewards, custom scripts, custom domain, unlimited team members
  • Enterprise: $149+/month — Eligible for brands making over $15,000 monthly revenue from affiliates; custom agreements; phone support; private invite-only campaigns

Who are Rewardful’s Customers?

Rewardful serves SaaS businesses across niches like AI, customer service, finance, sales, data sharing, and more. Here’s a quick look at some of their clients in terms of business size, niche, and customer base: 

  • My AI Front Desk: Virtual receptionist and scheduling software; most web visitors in Turkey and the Middle East; 5,000+ quarterly traffic hits
  • Data Jumbo: Database chart creation for Notion; About 40,000 quarterly traffic hits; web visitors across US, Brazil, Spain. 
  • AnyTrack: Ad tracking & attribution software; most web visitors across US, Canada, UK, Lithuania; over 130,000 quarterly traffic hits
  • Notifier: Alarm system from Honeywell; over 700,000 quarterly traffic hits; most web visitors and customers across the US. 

What are Rewardful Reviews Like?

Rewardful doesn’t have the most reviews across popular review sites, with only 18 on ProductHunt and three on G2, though the two sites both display an average ⅘-star rating. Positive reviews on ProductHunt applaud Rewardful’s intuitive interface, responsive customer support, and easy navigation. Negative reviews cite issues with payment and refunds. 

G2 positive notes included good value for money, fair pricing, easy dashboard views, and flexible incentives. Negative notes mention limited payment options, lack of discount code creation within the platform, and limited support for affiliates. 

A Guide to Choosing the Best Affiliate Tracking Software for Your Business

Rewardful might check off a few boxes in your dream affiliate management software, but how do you know if it’s really the right fit? Here are some questions to guide your selection process, followed by Tapfiliate’s specs as a flexible Rewardful alternative

Figure out What you Need for Your Affiliate Program

Why did you start researching affiliate software in the first place? Did you crave higher-follower or general higher-quality affiliates? Or perhaps you were overwhelmed with operations and needed a streamlined solution with easy automations and data reports to make your life easier. Sometimes brands might already have an affiliate software but struggle to see the ROI and seek alternative solutions. 

Remember your top three priorities for your affiliate program and always compare back to them when assessing potential software. 

Find out What’s on the Market

A quick Google search is a good place to start, but how do you pick from the thousands of options scattered on the results pages? You might start with affiliate software roundups from industry authorities like Influencer Marketing Hub or Authority Hacker. These niche leaders will research all the software for you and list out qualities, pricing, and comparisons to help you in your search. Of course, you should always look to each software individual website and review their features and updates to make your own assessment. 

You can also look to your colleagues and network contacts for support. Do they use affiliate software? Which one, and how does it help them increase affiliate revenue? This is a great topic for your next coffee chat. 

Write a List of Essential Features

Your affiliate program goals might require a few different features to come into fruition. If you’re looking for better affiliate engagement? Custom commission structures and rewards should be on your essential feature list. If you’re eager to expand your program to global affiliates? Multiple languages, currencies, and payment options should be on your list as well. Of course, an intuitive affiliate dashboard and customization features should always be on your list regardless. 

Check You Can Integrate

You might have a meaty tech stack that helps you keep operations running smoothly. But to keep the ball rolling, your affiliate software should maintain that momentum. The best way to do that is to integrate your tech stack with your affiliate software. If you don’t have access to a developer, you should ensure your top software tools are listed as direct integrations. Otherwise, some software offer Rest API to enable custom integrations — you just need to hire a developer to make everything live. 

What is Your Budget?

Affiliate software varies greatly in pricing. You might find a subscription for $50 per month and another for $500 per month. At the end of the day, your affiliate software spend shouldn’t impede on your affiliate revenue and ROI. But at the same time, the features most essential to your program are worth paying for. If there’s a cheaper option that satisfies your budget, go for it, but not at the expense of one of the essential features on your list. 

Use Free Trials to Find the Right Fit

Most affiliate software offer a free trial, between 1-2 weeks, to help you assess the platform’s fit for your affiliate program. This is your chance to test out all the key features that originally attracted you to the software. If you run into any hiccups, talk to the software support team and assess their competence and timeliness of response. 

Use the Software to See How Intuitive it Is

Let’s say the free trial of your top software candidate checks all your boxes for essential features. But how easy is it to use those features? You might time yourself to see how long it takes to complete a task in your affiliate to-do list. Or notice whether you can easily toggle filters from different views in the reporting pages. 

Another important intuitiveness test is in the integrations. These are meant to make your life easier, but if they aren’t ease to use, you won’t get as much out of them. 

Look at the Security of the Software

Your network might be secure, but affiliate software is a vulnerable tool to use. The amount of data and business details held on them in terms of sales, revenue, and payment information is attractive to fraudsters. Look out for any negative reviews citing data breaches or affiliate clicks that went unchecked, as these are huge red flags for affiliate marketing software. Your best bet is to play it safe and only consider affiliate management tools with GDPR compliance and fraud prevention alerts. 

Ask Customer Support a Question

Sure, reviews might rave about a particular software’s support team. But how do you know if they weren’t swayed with a welcoming discount? The best way to assess customer support is to see for yourself. Try each method offered by an affiliate software, including live chat, email, or phone support. Compare how long it takes to receive a response from different affiliate teams and assess the level of competence in each one. You should feel confident in the customer representatives’ capabilities because they are the ones that you’ll rely on to get out of little bugs and hiccups, things that can impact revenue and affiliate relationships if they go unchecked. 

A Flexible Alternative to Rewardful: Tapfiliate Affiliate Software

If you’re on the hunt for an affiliate software, it’s best to assess the whole landscape before making a decision. You might find Tapfiliate to be a more impactful option, especially if you’re an ecommerce business or crave greater customization potential in your affiliate programs. 

Track Sales in Real-time From Affiliate, Influencer and Referrals

We deliver a proven track record with laser-sharp, accurate tracking. Tapfiliate gets the gears moving on a wide range of partnership programs with different types of affiliates, including social media influencers, coupon affiliates, customer referrals, and content partners. We help you get eyes on every single dollar earned (and spent), and even interpret that data into strategic metrics and key performance indicators for your strategy like CPA (cost per acquisition), CPS (cost per sale), and CPL (cost per lead). Pick from custom affiliate links or coupon code tracking to capture as much revenue as possible.

So far, we’ve captured over $170 million in affiliate revenue across 1.4 million affiliates for our clientele. That includes a total of 4.6 million conversions! 

Example of real-time reporting in the Tapfiliate dashboard.
Tapfiliate dashboard: Log in or sign up

Integrate Quickly and Easily

Tapfiliate offers over 30 direct integrations across a wide niche of software tools. Ecommerce businesses are you there? Connect to Shopify Wix Stores, or Woocommerce all within a few clicks. And if you offer courses to your customers? Keep up with your workflows through Tapfiliate’s Memberful, Teachable, and Squarespace integrations. Other popular integrations include Magento for open-source, ecommerce content management, Mailchimp for email marketing, and Stripe or PayPal for easy payments. 

Don’t see your favorite tech tools on our list? Create a custom integration via Tapfiliate’s REST API or Javascript. You just need a web developer to make it happen, but it shouldn’t take too long. 

Automate Your Customer Referral Program

Tapfiliate’s automated customer referral program gets even more revenue out of your favorite, most loyal customers. If they like your products and choose to buy them, chances are they know more than anyone how your products help them in their day-to-day life. Meaning? There’s no one better to promote your brand’s offerings. That’s why Tapfiliate automates our customer referral program. Set up automated email invitations to your affiliate program as your loyal customers make purchases. 

Flexible Commissions to Suit Your Business

What’s the difference between a beginner affiliate and a high-value affiliate? The latter has the potential to drive even more revenue for your brand, meaning you need to treat them accordingly. That looks like a custom commission structure and rate that reflects their affiliate business reputation, high follow count and reach, and general expertise. Tapfiliate enables percentage-based and fixed-fee commissions, either recurring or lifetime to suit your affiliate business needs. You can also trigger automated commission increases to reward your affiliates and keep them on your roster. Finally, our commission rules include product-specific commissions to help you promote an offering on sale or one that you simply just want to get rid of. 

Tapfiliate commission setup: Log in or Sign up

Save Time With Our Automation Options

Pretty much every established business has a workflow or groove. That might include email marketing triggers with Mailchimp or performance-based increases for your affiliates. Tapfiliate keeps everything running smoothly and seamlessly with our varied automation options. Maintain or launch new workflows via our Zapier integration, automatically approve affiliates based on pre-set approval criteria, or set up automatic triggered emails to affiliates for important announcements. 

Examples of triggers you can set up in Zapier
Zapier triggers

Customize Different Areas of Your Affiliate Program

From white-labeled, personalized affiliate pages to custom integrations and workflows, Tapfiliate lives and breathes customization in all our features. Affiliate marketing campaigns need to reflect the unique strengths of your brand and customized features help you maximize them. Tapfiliate also offers custom reporting features to give you the lowdown on the most important key performance indicators. 

Talk to Our Stellar Customer Support Agents

We treat our customer service representatives with competitive pay, thorough training, and alternate scheduling to ensure they deliver the best possible service to your team. Tapfiliate’s customer service ratings continue to surpass industry averages, with near-5-star averages in the category across multiple review sites. Chat one-on-one in a personalized onboarding session, or get a quick reply to a query via our 24/7 live chat. 

Benefit From Our Pricing for All Stages of Your Business

Remember when you first launched your business? Look how far you’ve come. The same rings true for affiliate marketing programs. That’s why Tapfiliate’s pricing reflects a scalable model that can grow with your business’s affiliate program. Launch your program and get your commissions, tracking, and reporting started in our basic plan, and dive deeper into custom domains and bonus incentives in our second tier. And if you’re rolling in affiliate revenue and need a bigger lasso on optimization? Our Enterprise plan is chock-full of revenue-generating and affiliate-engaging features like custom verbiage, premium support, and unlimited affiliate tracking. 

Rewardful Affiliate Management vs Tapfiliate Affiliate Management

Rewardful and Tapfiliate both offer a wide range of affiliate tracking and management features. But Rewardful specializes only in serving SaaS brands. If you’re an ecommerce or dropshipping business, Tapfiliate has the experience and expertise to manage your affiliate program, as well as for B2B and B2C SaaS companies. 

Tapfiliate helps B2B and B2C SaaS brands, ecommerce stores, and dropshipping businesses of all sizes with affiliate program launches, management, or ultimate #growth.

Here’s how both affiliate management platforms compare:

Affiliate Program Management:

Tapfiliate gives you ample opportunity to manage and engage your affiliate partners. Whether it’s personalized emails, branded affiliate portals, social media creatives sharing, or affiliate performance views on both sides, our platform makes it easier than ever to keep tabs on your affiliates and make sure they have everything they need to stay happy while earning your brand that sweet, sweet revenue. We also offer more customization in our commission structures and models, like product-specific commissions to offload excess inventory, or automated performance increases for high-value affiliates. 

Rewardful also offers performance incentives but doesn’t offer the same kind of flexibility when it comes to commission adjustments. For example, you can’t base commissions on specific products. Finally, Tapfiliate stands out with ease of management by enabling affiliate payouts on the platform. Rewardful helps you see exactly what you owe each affiliate, but you can’t actually pay them without going into your payment platform like PayPal, for example. 

Tracking and Reporting Analytics:

Both Tapfiliate and Rewardful offer real-time affiliate tracking and reporting. However, Tapfiliate stands out with its additional CPA (cost per acquisition), CPS (cost per sale), and CPL (cost per lead) tracking. These insights are supremely informative and help you make strategic adjustments to your commission structures and affiliate groups to ensure the most ROI on your affiliate investment. 

Additionally, Tapfiliate’s custom reporting dashboards offer more customization, filtration, and segmentation for even more insights into your affiliate performance. Brands can also create custom data visualizations like pie charts and geographical maps to gain insights into revenue by location, affiliate, product, and much more criteria. 


Rewardful’s customization features include commission structures, cookie length, affiliate portal branding, and start-stop dates for affiliate campaigns. They also offer a Rest API to include custom, seamless integrations. On the other hand, Tapfiliate takes customization to the next level with white-labeled affiliate pages to align with both your domain and brand colors and elements. Need to communicate with your affiliates? Send triggered, personalized emails to maintain your brand voice while communicating important announcements or notifications. Our reporting dashboards also continue the customization kick with metadata fields you can adjust to create your own custom reports. 

As for integrations? Tapfiliate also offers the REST API for custom integrations, as well as Javascript if that’s what your team is more comfortable with. Finally, our Zapier integration helps you maintain perfectly tweaked and tailored, automated workflows within your affiliate program and across your tech stack.


Tapfiliate’s live customer support chat is available 24/7, meaning we can answer your pressing inquiries in the evening hours and even on weekends. This is a step up from Rewardful’s customer support availability, as they’re only available via live chat on weekdays. Both Tapfiliate and Rewardful offer phone support with more premium subscription plans, but Tapfiliate’s Enterprise plan even offers personalized onboarding to help you make the most of your affiliate management software subscription. 

It’s also worth noting that Tapfiliate has countless reviews on popular software review sites applauding our customer support. For example, our profile on Capterra features over 60 reviews with high ratings for customer support. Rewardful has similarly positive notes, but not as many reviews submitted for a full picture. 


Tapfiliate’s subscriptions start at $89, then $149, and for Enterprise plans you need to contact us. Rewardful tiers cost $49, $99, and $149+ as you go up the tiers. While Tapfiliate’s pricing is more expensive than Rewardful, our basic tier lets you scale with as much affiliate revenue as you can garner. On the other hand, Rewardful’s tiers don’t offer unlimited revenue and cap out at a certain revenue number. For example, the $99 mid-tier plan isn’t available to you if your brand brings in over $15,000 monthly in affiliate revenue. 

Our basic plan also offers triggered notifications and more personalization and customization potential via our white-labeled affiliate pages. Rewardful offers custom branding for their affiliate portal, but only if you pay for the mid or highest tier. 

Ready to see how Tapfiliate can supercharge your affiliate program?

FAQs About Rewardful

What is Rewardful?

Rewardful is an affiliate management platform based in Canada that caters to small-, mid-, and large-sized SaaS companies and their affiliate programs. Its customers vary in niche, from data automation and AI to customer service and security. It has strong reviews for its intuitive interface and ease of use, but falls short in reporting customization and affiliate engagement potential. 

What Are the Limitations of Rewardful?

Rewardful has limited reporting customization and filtration capabilities, and doesn’t track CPA, CPL, or CPS in its affiliate tracking suite. Furthermore, brands are forced to move up tiers simply to make more revenue from affiliates. Even if you don’t need all the features of the final tier, you’re forced to opt for it if your affiliate revenue surpasses $15,000 monthly. 

Who Are Rewardful’s Competitors?

Rewardful is an affiliate management platform that specializes in serving SaaS companies. Some of their competitors include: 

  • Tapfiliate: Ecommerce, SaaS, and dropshipping businesses can launch, manage, or scale their affiliate programs with an affordable tiered platform, complete with flexible commissions, real-time reporting, unique tracking features, and custom integrations for ultimate operational prowess in your affiliate program. 
  • Tune: This affiliate tool services finance, direct-consumer, and subscription businesses with a suite of affiliate management features like
  • AffiliateWP: Brands leverage this affiliate marketing plugin for their WordPress websites (exclusively WordPress sites). It’s affordable and offers desirable features like custom commissions, 1-click payouts, and fraud detection. 
  • RedTrack: This affiliate platform serves as an ad-tracking platform as well, best suited for businesses with both an affiliate program and prominent marketing activities on social media ad platforms.

  • Ambassador: Word-of-mouth marketing is this affiliate platform’s focus, with features like referral tracking, comparative dashboards, and flexible payment options.

Looking for additional alternatives to Rewardful? Check out our alternatives page

Looking for a flexible alternative to Rewardful? Try Tapfiliate with a free 14-day trial. 👉  Get started now!

Chrissy Kapralos

Chrissy Kapralos

Chrissy Kapralos runs a Toronto-based writing agency called No Worries Writing Co. She’s passionate about helping businesses communicate and share their stories. When she isn’t writing about the latest tech and marketing content, you’ll find her traveling, cooking, or watching horror movies.

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